On Demand Sales Training Courses for Seed & Ag Sellers

Get instant access to online sales courses designed to help you grow your seed/ag sales and become a more confident sales leader.

Rod Osthus

Meet Your Coach

Most seed and ag sellers struggle to find new prospects and sell to today’s sophisticated farmers.

I’m a sales street fighter at heart and I’ve been in your shoes. I sold seed during years when we had devastating floods, massive droughts, and seed shortages. You name the challenge and I’ve faced it. I’ve been in price fights, side-by-side contests, and gone toe-to-toe with the competition whose only goal was to steal my business.

But when I sold seed there was no road map for me to follow.

There was no manual to read, classes to attend, or website to visit to help me learn how to sell to farmers. There were no books, courses or online videos that dealt specifically on how to sell a living, breathing organism like seed. I wanted to learn a better way to sell in the agricultural marketplace and the only place I could go at that time was the school of hard knocks.

Even though I was successful over time, I still made many, many mistakes. Many of those mistakes should have, and could have, been avoided.

That is why I created the SeedSeller Coaching platform.